problems of the mexican education

Problems of  the mexican education 

In Mexico there are many problems within school education for students, the main problems are the levels of education that can reach a student.
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For example, only 47% of the students graduated from high school and only 8.5 attend the university

Mexico is the third country with the most number of young people who do not study or work (Study conducted by the OECD) only below Turkey and Israel. The report indicated that there are 7 million 248 thousand 400 Mexicans in this situation.

Out of every 100 students who enter primary school, only 68 complete basic education.
All these numbers are worrying in the education of Mexico because if you compare them with other countries we are well below average.

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In Mexico, access to good education is usually a problem due to the monetary resources that a family can have.

But this is not the most worrisome problem, the most worrying problem is that public schools do not adequately cover the education measures they should. even several studies have revealed that students as well as public and private schools do not have a high performance in education.

Problems with educators

In the educational organizations of the country there are MANY problems that involve managers and educators, and here we will talk about some of the most outstanding.

Bad money management.

Within the education associations there are usually several money management problems, since several amounts of the education budget are not spent on what should be. a clear example of this was Alba Esther Gordillo who stole large amounts of money for personal use instead of investing in the development of education, approached that he stole about 30 million pesos

Poor efficiency of "educators"

Another serious problem of education in Mexico is the large number of "educators" who dedicate themselves to teaching without being really qualified to do so. They have tried to apply several reform how; The energetic reform, the educational reform, among others. But the problem remains the same and there is no noticeable improvement.

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Most of these unqualified teachers have not even done the tests necessary to demonstrate that they are qualified to teach the young people. This problem has to be dishonest, it affects the young people who, instead of learning useful things, only waste their time in things that can not get as much profit as they could get with real educators.

Another problem of a large part of educators is that they are based on theory and not on practice, if teachers focus only on teaching in the conventional manner, a good progress is not made in the way of learning and it does not come out of the conventional and you prepare well for the real problems.
